The 2019 Badlands Art Association’s 49th Annual Fall Art Show will be November 8th through November 10th at the Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge. Darice Taylor and Dawn Jerome are the show chairpersons for the 49th Annual Fall Art Show.
49th BAA Annual Fall Art Show 2019 November 8 to 10, Dickinson, North Dakota
SHOW DETAILS with CALL FOR ENTRY FORM In order to have your art displayed in the BAA Art Show, you must complete a Call forEntry form. The entry form is where you can list the artwork(s) that you intend to display at the November show. The Call for Entry must be in the mail with a postmark by October 14, 2019. Call for Entry PDF forms are here.
October 14:49th Annual BAA Show 2019_Call for Entries_FINALmust be postmarked by October 14 to be eligible to display art work in show. November 6: Shipped art works due November 7: 7AM to 5PM Hand delivered art work due at Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge November 8: Morning judging. NO VISITORS. November 8: 6PM to 9PM Opening reception for artists and public. November 9: 10AM to 4PM Show hours. November 10: 12PM to 4PM Show hours November 10: 4:15PM Artists (or representative) must be present to pick up art work.
Find out more about BAA Membership and past newsletters here.
The 48th Annual Badlands Art Show was held November 9 – 11, 2018.
Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge, Dickinson, North Dakota.
The judge for this years’ show was Ali Hein who is a Professor of Art at Bismarck State College.
48th Annual BAA Awards Winners
1st Place – “Bison Power” by Kim Renner
2nd Place – “Pearls” by Anthony Nelson
3rd Place – “Western Best Turn” by Helen Campbell
Honorable Mention – “Feeding Time” by Kim Renner
Honorable Mention – “Little Missouri” by Helen Campbell
Honorable Mention – “Medora Bakery” by Janelle Brackel
Honorable Mention – “Foliage Fantasy” by Janelle Brachel
Honorable Mention – “Gossip Gulls” by Kim Renner
1st Place – “Cable Knit Crowned Vase” by Mary Huether
2nd Place – “My Name is Donavee and I’m a Hugger” by Betty Ruggles
3rd Place – “Panucci’s Pizza” by Jon Ross
Honorable Mention – “Chattered Bowl” by Julie Schuster
Honorable Mention – “Aqua Teen Hunger Force” by Jon Ross
Honorable Mention – “Octopus Container/Sculpture” by Mary Huether
Honorable Mention – “Egyptian Style Cat Mummy” by Rhonda Walter-Frojen
1st Place – “Badlands Marvel” by Donovan Slag
2nd Place – “Samantha” by Anthony Nelson
3rd Place – “Lost” by Dustin Young
Honorable Mention – “Procession” by Dustin Young
Honorable Mention – “Hunters Gaze” by Cheyenne B. Hansen
Honorable Mention – “Efflorescence” by Donovan Slag
Honorable Mention – “Out there by the Lake” by Dustin Young
1st Place – “Loving Wings” by Janelle Stoneking
2nd Place – “Falling Orbs” by Laureen Evans
3rd Place – “Blue Bells” by Aaron Anderson
Honorable Mention – “Fragmented” by Janelle Stoneking
Honorable Mention – “Magellanic” by Aaron Anderson
Honorable Mention – “Three Stars” by Anthony Nelson
Honorable Mention – “Three Amigos” by Sherry Rochelle
1st Place – “Drama Queen” by Darice Taylor
2nd Place – “Clouds over Mandan” by Anthony Nelson
3rd Place – “JJ” by Daphne Clark
Honorable Mention – “Ballet Queen” by Marcia Sickler
Honorable Mention – “Evening Glow” by Larry Maslowski
Honorable Mention – “Fall’s Beauty” by Larry Maslowski
Honorable Mention – “Running with Giants” by Darice Taylor
1st Place – “Walker” by Daphne
2nd Place – “White Arabians” by Marcia Sickler
3rd Place – “Big Boy” by Daphne Clark
Honorable Mention – “Pupperus” by Cheyenne B. Hansen
1st Place – “Swirling” by Darla Hueske
2nd Place – “Calm before the Storm” by Austin Stockert
3rd Place – “Not at Home” by Jason Galenski
Honorable Mention – “Horse’s Chin Hairs” by Maclyn Hauck
Honorable Mention – “Scoot” by Jason Galenski
Honorable Mention – “The Bread Line” by Cherie Roshau
Honorable Mention – “Reflecting Reeds” by Bob Thomas
1st Place – “Mountain Air” by Tina Schloss
2nd Place – “Rocky Butte” by Bob Thomas
3rd Place – “Waterfall” by Laureen Evan’s
Honorable Mention – “Trees and Bees” by Laureen Evans
Honorable Mention – “At the Vanity” by LuAnn Senescall
Honorable Mention – “Dickinson ND Rocks” by Bob Thomas
Honorable Mention – “Hollyhocks & Hummer” by Marcia Sickler
People’s Choice – Professional Division
“Drama Queen” by Darice Taylor
Most Innovative Award – Professional Division
“Fragmented” by Janelle Stoneking
1st Place – “Hiraeth” by Regan Riedlinger
2nd Place – “The Orb in the Barn” by Michael Meyer
3rd Place – “Untitled” by Gordon Olson
4th Place – “Forest Child” by Kamilla Winter
5th Place – “Braving the Storm” by Lisa Tuhy
6th Place – “Gray Ghost” by Christian Kman
Honorable Mention – “Morning” by Karla Baldwin Rustad
Honorable Mention – “Flying Geese” by David Evans
Honorable Mention – “Enchanted Grasshopper” by Michael Meyer
Honorable Mention – “Existence” by Regan Reidlinger
Honorable Mention – “Yesterday, Carla Baldwin Rustad
Honorable Mention – “The Rainbow City” by Ryan Shaefer
Honorable Mention – “Untitled” by Lisa Tuhy
People Choice – Amateur Division “The Rainbow City” by Ryan Shaefer
Student Show
Mind’s Eye Gallery Emerging Artist Award
“Inuit” by Sophia Mettler, Grade 10, Graphite Drawing, Dickinson High School
Peoples Choice – Student Division
“Golden Retriever” by Daphne Hafen, Grade 12, Painting, Dickinson High School
The Badlands Art Show opens this weekend, November 10th through the 12th. Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge, Dickinson, North Dakota.
This year’s judge will be Dr. Andrea Donovan from Minot. Donovan is an associate professor of art and humanities at Minot State University.
Dates and Times to Remember:
Thursday, 9th from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm: Hand delivered works due at Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge. Large works before noon, please.
Friday, 10th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm: Opening reception for artists and public. Silent Auction (more below). Saturday, 11th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Saturday, 11th from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Empty Bowls Fundraiser (more below). Sunday, 12th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Sunday, 12th after 4:15 pm Artists must pick up entries.
Artists, please review “Delivery of Art Work” for details about bringing your art to the show AND when to pick up your art after the show.
Silent Auctions
The November show will have two separate silent auctions this year. The first one will be held on Friday November 10th. The second silent auction will be held on Saturday November 11th. Members are encouraged to donate baskets themselves or to ask others who are willing to donate baskets to do so. For more information contact Marcia Sickler. ( bring your auction items to the meeting on Nov. 6th.
Purchase Award Preview
The Purchase Award Preview and special reception will be held on Friday evening November 10th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. At the preview, we invite all who are considering buying works of art to view the show and submit bids (in a silent auction) for the works of their choice. The minimum bid is the asking price of the artist.
Bid blanks must be turned in at the front desk no later than 9:00 pm Friday. The highest bid (above the asking price) will be the successful bidder.
North Dakota Empty Bowls Fundraiser, Saturday
Stop by the show on Saturday and have lunch for a good cause. This year, the North Dakota Empty Bowls Project fundraiser will be held at the Ramada Grand Dakota Lodge from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Local artisans contribute their time and talent to create ceramic bowls for the Empty Bowls fundraising event.
Robin Reynolds, DSU ceramics instructor, organizes Empty Bowls each year. Last year, the event raised more than $4,000 for local food pantries. For the event, local artisians contributed their time and resources to create one-of-a-kind, handcrafted ceramic bowls for the event. Special thanks for Sponsor bowls: Julie Schuster, Sarah Snavely, Caitlin Freidt, and Tod Winter.
Cost is $15 per bowl, limit two bowls per person. Soup and bread is provided.
Every year, approximately 2.3 to 3.5 million people in America experience hunger and homelessness. Empty Bowls Project is a national fundraising event to bring awareness to hunger in America. Proceeds of the North Dakota Empty Bowls go to food programs such as the Back Pack Program and Domestic Rape and Crisis Center. Sponsors for the ND Empty Bowls are Dickinson State University, Ramada Grand Dakota Hotel, United Way of Dickinson and Sacred Heart Monastery.
The Ramada Grand Dakota Ballroom will again be the site for the 47th Annual BAA Fall Show, November 10-12, 2017.
47th Annual BAA Art Show Dates:
November 10-12, 2017 Entry deadline: October 16
The Badlands Arts Association is celebrating its 47th Annual Art Show. The three-day regional fine art show features many different artworks including clay pottery, oil paintings, water colors, pencil sketches, and photography.
There are three divisions to the show: amateur and professional. Student entries are coordinated through local schools.
The call for entries and entry forms have been mailed. If you want to be on our mailing list, please join our organization for early notice of our events.
Student Entries are available through art teachers at area schools.
The deadline for student entries remains October 31st. The deadline for ADULT entries is October 16.
Homeschoolers, you can downloaded the form here.
FRIDAY Nov. 10 – 6:00 – 9:00 PM Opening Reception for artists and public
SATURDAY Nov. 11 – 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Exhibition hours
SUNDAY Nov. 12 – 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Exhibition hours
SUNDAY Nov. 12 4:15 PM – Pick up entries
The Badlands Art Association is a group of western North Dakota artists. We offer area artists of all abilities the opportunity to showcase their work. The BAA Art Show invites the public a venue to see the wide range of art being created in our area.
Michael Dunn, North Dakota artist, teaches a Saturday workshop.
Best of Show, Professional – awarded to Chip Liebel for her pastel painting, “Black Hills Crossing” (It also won 1st place in the pastel)
Best of Show, Student Division – award to Julian Knight, senior, Dickinson High School, for “That’s Right, It’s MOI” – a soft pastel.
People’s Choice, Professional Division, Darice Taylor, “Walking With Elephants”
People’s Choice, Student Division to Katelyn Hoerner, Dickinson High School senior, for “Polar Bear”
People’s Choice AND 1st Place in the Amateur Division to LuAnn Senescall for “On the Town”
Darla Hueske, “Electric Light Switch”, photography, professional division
Emma Bock, ” ‘Uffda’ Apron “, 7th grader at New England Jr. High, crafts. An apron your grandmother would love??
Britney Sailer, a DHS sophomore, won the high school Austin Cole Rosler Memorial Award in this year’s show. The title of her painting (soft pastel) is “Reflecting Upon.” If anyone has a photo of Britney with her painting I would like to be able to send it to Edee Steckler, the former BAA president, who makes this award possible each year in memory of her grandson.
Winner of the Austin Cole Rosler Memorial Award.
Congratulations miss Kylee Rose Sickler, Trinity East, Gr. K